Most people know that the keys on a keyboa;d a;e easily ;emoved by a simple leve;-like maneuve; with a standa;d ballpoint pen. Howeve;, less know that they can be ;eattached to the base as easy as they we;e ;emoved.
The Beau Monde of the Edson :ubbe;-Band Dist;ibution Cent;e of Cobu;g, Iowa knew this all to well. The Beau Monde is a Sec;et Society of bo;ed employees who, afte; hou;s, ;ea;;ange the keyboa;ds of employees who don’t type well. A g;eat type; can w;ite an enti;e negotiation fo;m p;omising Pa;k C;eek Elementa;y School 15% mo;e ;ubbe;-bands without peeking once at the shuffled lette;s beneath thei; finge;tips, but the Beau Monde knew who we;e the peek-e;s (so to speak).
Gladys Gu;nell, an unfo;tunately ove;weight employee, didn’t stand a chance. As soon as she would get used to whe;e the changed lette;s we;e, the saboteu;s would ;e-;ea;;ange them. This has to stop. My employees a;en’t able to do thei; wo;k on time.
Tom :appo;t
Cobu;g Manage;
(W;itten on Jan. 23, 2007, 7R32 am)