

Henry hated his life.
He hated his job, that’s when he actually did some work, most of the time he just sat in the corner and stared into space.
He only ever did the same thing, over and over again.
The same repetitive job over and over again.
How he longed from something different, anything different, even a change of scenery would be nice.
He hated his life.
All he ever did was fill his body with crap, it was disgusting, he was disgusted with himself. But he couldn’t stop. It was all he could do, he didn’t know any other way to live.
He hated it, but he couldn’t change.
He desperately wanted to, he wanted to be different, he wanted to stand out from the crowd, he wanted to get noticed.
Most people didn’t even know he was there, except when they wanted to use him. They never ask what he wanted to do.
He just did as he was told.
He hated his job.
Why me? He would ask himself.
Why am I this way?
But that was just the way things were, he couldn’t change them.
Henry the Hoover just had to accept his destiny.

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