

She would always ask me where I went and I answered the same way every time, “I’m right here.” She’d sigh, “That’s not what I mean kid, like… where’s your head right now?” I never know how to answer this question. I feel like there’s no honest way to because you think so much. Right now I’m thinking about how I’m feeling. How there’s no right way to answer that question. How I want to kiss this girl. How I don’t understand the convictions of modern society and how I don’t think it applies to me. How that makes it incredibly difficult to find an opportunity that isn’t awkward to kiss this girl.
We’re sitting in her car with the windows down. She loves to fly and I love to sit with my head on the window watching the world blur into green contour. 30 Seconds To Mars comes on her ipod. Oblivion. I feel grounded here. I can focus, noticing the sun bleed through the clouds and dance over her cheeks. Her brown hair is thriving in the wind. Her green eyes shining through, looking out at the road.

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