As someone who’s survived a suicide attempt, I’d be willing to offer you a friendly ear if this is, in fact, real. I went from someone who constantly thought about suicide, to someone who’s almost annoyingly happy in just a few years. So, even if things suck now, that doesn’t mean they always will.
uh… Times may look bleak now, but you have to hold on for those times that aren’t. Writers write from the heart, so, being that you wrote this, we have to believe this is how you feel. Feeling this way happens to everyone, and you’ve had some loss (scrabble), but better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. P.S. hamsters will hide their young inside the mother, like they ate them, to protect them, but later spit them out when it is safe.
Abby, isn’t it nice to see how many people really care? If you do get in the dumps…theres always “FICLY”. (hate to be crass but it made ficly look like a super hero when I re read it but I’m gonna leave it anyways.)
Glad to hear it’s good now. ya had some people worried about you.
And just a thought. Suicide is a permanent solution to what are temporary problems. It’s a very selfish act and really messes with those you leave behind.
You are not as alone as you might think. And welcome back to the land of the living.
Please find someone you can speak with in person if you are able. I had to work out some things a few years back and I really felt desperate, but a professional can help.
thank you guys for making me feel loved. i’m changing my ficly now so that no one else gets depressed. (and because it’s a waste of the popular list) sorry 4 venting on u all… Abby x
OOOKKKKK?? Abby, what the hell is going on in that mind of yours, is it your mom again???? Or Matt, cuz I’ll knock him out if you want, (well, at least I’ll try lol) Buck up dude! x
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