I hope this doesn’t violate any plans or existing themes for the story. I was just having a bit of fun setting up the environment to which your character would soon be returning with his exciting and ominous news, as well as give some characterization for Gunnar. If this varies too much from what you had thought of, by all means sequel around it.
Oh this is good – giving Gunnar a better character profile than ‘angry Viking king’ works really well – a stellar contribution which mixes some originality with good ol’ excessive Viking drinking…! MH :)
This fits very well into the series. I think the mood and tone are both done in complement to what BCB has already created. I dig that you seem to have made him somewhat uncomfortable as a leader, when he’d much rather be a warrior.
However, you seem to have a couple grammar issues in here. I don’t think you meant “sit” in that first sentence, possibly “seat?” And I think this “the Gyarson twins and spoiled a vat” should be “the Gyarson twins had spoiled a vat.”
Good sequel, same critiques as JP. The first line threw me for the longest and I had trouble reading from there, but I muddled my befuddled noodle through. Great characterization of a brooding viking warlord.
I do find this to be a very good entry, I like that you’ve given us a glimpse into Gunnar’s world which inevitably will help us to understand his reactions to things to come.