
Break My Fall

When my eyes opened I assumed there was an especially strong gust of wind I must have awoken to. I went to roll over only to realize this wind was created by me. I was in free fall. My pupils dilated in milliseconds as the adrenaline rushed to my entire body, my mind raced as I scanned the falling scenery for a gauge on my location.
To no avail.
My fight or flight response subsided.
I became one with my destiny, even if my destiny was to die.
I closed my eyes and prayed for my family.
I opened my eyes, I rotated my body and faced the ground. I was taking life head on, if it wanted to take me on, I wasn’t going to get snuffed in the back.
The ground approached and I chose a target, a small piece of asphalt that had a man standing on it. I used all my forced to hurl my body vertical, an extremely difficult feet I must add.
I raised one leg, as if to do a jackhammer into a swimming pool, and braced for impact.
I landed squarely on the mans head. It exploded as I crushed his body.
Leaving him lifeless.

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