
No-belong girl

The girl sat down in the grass and licked some of the juice from her sticky fingers. Hunger had quickly won over caution and she had already sampled many of the variously colored berries that grew in the bushes around the clearing. She was just about to reach for a new juicy orange berry when a creature crept into her field of vision. It looked somewhat like a large salamander with four short, stumpy legs, a wide frog-like mouth and small black eyes. It payed her no interest.
‘Hello.’ the girl said, waving. The creature turned its head towards her, its eyes opening slightly wider.
‘Do you want some berries? There are lots.’ the girl said, picking a few and holding them out.
The creature gave a snort of derisive laughter, showing a mouth full of pointed teeth.
‘You offer me fruits of earth, no-belong girl?’
‘I only…’ the girl said, withdrawing her hands.
‘Not belong forest, not belong earth.’ the creature said with a snarl. ‘I can smell your wrongness.’
With that it turned, walking off into the trees.

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