We're working on it! Promise!
Blank page. I can’t start my story. No idea. Ummm, let’s try that inspiration button on FICLY, maybe it will work. Nope, same thing as always : We’re working on it! Promise!
In a room, at the other end of the internet, two men in blue coverall were reading a screen.
- Again. An other one clicked on that link. We should really get that working fast.
- OK, I’ll take it to the next step. She will have to help us.
The man goes to the back of the room, taking a strange instrument on his way. A wonderfully beautiful woman is strapped to what’s look like a dentist chair. She had fire in her eyes.
- Now talk or I’ll have to use this on you. And I will not need inspiration to get creative with it.
The Muse kept her mouth shut, even as the instrument tore her flesh to pieces. A Muse will not inspire under torture. Never.