The thoughts that gow through the head of an aspiring actor/ress. I second those thoughts, nicely done.
The thoughts that gow through the head of an aspiring actor/ress.
I second those thoughts, nicely done.
I feel your pain. I can’t imagine what compels people to act. I wouldn’t do it but I know people very close to me who love it.
Brilliant triplet of opening lines going into a nice piece of ‘thought-tracking’ as we’d say in the theatre! Joan is begging for a series as well – I might see if I can come up with something sometime… Thanks for entering! MH :)
Brilliant triplet of opening lines going into a nice piece of ‘thought-tracking’ as we’d say in the theatre!
Joan is begging for a series as well – I might see if I can come up with something sometime… Thanks for entering! MH :)
Good capture. I’ve worked as the assistant director at the high school where I teach, and I know the exact expression that goes with those thoughts… I’ve seen it too many times!
Hahaha… I can most definitely relate to this. Nice work!