
How dare they

What the hell was going on?
He’d written the best story ever told and no one had even bothered to thank him.
He was not going to stand for this!
He decided to send each one of his “followers” a letter.

Dear Follower,
You may have noticed I recently published a story titled.
“The Greatest Story Ever Told”
I in turn have noticed that not one person, not one of my apparently loyal followers has bothered to give it the truly wonderful rating it deserved.
How dare you!
Who do you think you are?
You clearly are not worthy of my work.
You are SCUM!

Later that day, he received an email from ficly, with a smirk on his face he opened it.
“About time” he said to himself smugly
He read the letter, then he read it again.
It was 5 simple words.

What are you talking about?

He was confused, what the hell did this person mean. He was talking about his story. The greatest story.
He opened up his ficly page to check how many times it had been viewed.
Then he realised.
He forgot to push publish.

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