Yay, the CD has returned. I wonder who’s going to let us in on the secret contents of that disc?
You did a fantastic job of bringing the most of the story elements together. Jenni and I kind of took it on a daytime soap path, but you’ve brought back some of the mystery that BCB started/ended with.
And the note about Julia’s number still being listed as “home” in his address book is very cool. I’m going to grab a shovel, because I can totally dig it.
I’m a little confused about the use of italics but I haven’t read the rest of the series. This was a great story. Woah…how to get your character limit’s worth dude. I can hardly believe that it’s only 1024 characters. Well done indeed. Abby x
Great piece here! My favorite in the series so far. Great pace and flow to the whole thing and, agreeing with John, it really brought back the mystery.