ah, well, we do strive to get people to improve on their writing ans we try to so it in a supportive manner. Not everyone is on 100% of the time, so stories go unread. We are all human.
Real potential, which is sad that she quit. She has only written 7 stories, so she really expect to get a lot if she doesn’t post frequently, though, I did see her Haiti story get a lot of comments.
I’m not sure how her decision to leave is your fault. If anything, it may have been an issue of expectation.
As Elsha noted, it’s a fairly regular occurrence that Ficlies go unnoticed. Even the most diligent community members have a hard time reading and commenting on every story.
Drew talk about airing dirty laundry. I don’t want others to think this is about them. I was writing to be a part of your life and was under the impression you were not even reading my stories. Truth is I am incredible busy with work and that short time writing got me behind. When I get a break I will get back to writing.