Dramatis Persona
Reception lines are one way of deciding just where you fit in the social strata. The least important are the ones you meet first. I shook hands with commissioners, delegates and deputy governors. Finally Dr. Abdel-Razzaq shook my hand firmly and looked me in the eye. The briefest of pleasantries were exchanged and I was moved out of the line.
I went to the bar and managed to bring back a glass of sparkling apple juice. I handed it to Rashida and got a smile for my reward. We sipped our drinks as she pointed out the others working their way through the receptions line.
Gregor Ulinov, of Babylon Business Ltd. Specializing in machine tools and exotic metals. If you wanted something the western powers didn’t want you to have, he was the man to talk to.
Yuan Chen Lo. Importer of Chinese made electronics and equipment.
“And of course you already met Jadger” she said as he approached us.