Hunter: Talking Wolf! AAH!
My scream lasted as long as it could, which was long. Really, really long. About two minutes long, and it was so high-pitched the wolf jumped backward with a shocked expression. It snarled in response, it’s ears pinned to it’s head as it sank into a crouch. I screamed louder still, and got to my feet, turning my back on it and running.
Stop screaming, Carlie! Stop it, you’re killing my ears! CARLIE!
It yelled, and hearing my name pass from it’s… mind made me stop screaming and turn to stare at it. “W-who are you?” I gasped out, holding back the manical laughing and the tears that went with it as the wolf spoke again.
I am a part of you. I am your wolf, Carlie.
“W-what do you mean, MY wolf? I don’t own a wolf! That’s illegal, anyway!”
You’re surprised I call myself yours, but not that I say I am a part of you?
“Yes, hell yes I’m surprised you call yourself mi— wait WHAT?! A part of me? That’s crazy! You can’t be a part of me no more than I can be a tree!”
You really believe that?
“Yes, I do!”