
Highway 20 Ride

Dear J.S.,

I haven’t felt like this in a while; not since my heart was completly broken. The last few relationships I had been in were downright meaningless, and honestly I had a very jaded view on realtionships. I thought that guys only wanted to use me and that no one could ever love me, truely love me for who I am. I went through guys like you go through clothes and I was developing a bit of a reputation.

But, then I met you.

You made me laugh more than anyone ever has been able to. We could talk on the phone for hours at a time and as soon as I hung up I missed you. You do the cutest things I have ever seen, and the way you sing to me on the phone makes me smile more than I have ever before. I get the feeling that if ever there was something wrong at three in the morning, you would hop into your car and drive to my house to make sure I was ok. I feel so at home with you, and I know that we basically just met, but I honestly could not see my life without you.

I Love You.
Your angel

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