Swift Ashen Mirages part 2
Sarah walked to the back corner of the cemetery to the grave stone of Willie Inman. She thought of the stories her Aunt Ruth told her of Willie, the cattle trader. When Willie got drunk one night, he bit off another man’s ear. People didn’t often settle that sort of thing in court in those days and six hundred dollars was an awful lot of money to make things right. Sarah stared into the stone as scenes from the past seemed to glide into view.
What happened next can only be explained as a supernatural event, for it cannot be described by any natural law or phenomena. The tombstone disappeared. It simply vanished, causing her to fall face forward into the grass. Sarah was so startled she just sat there on the ground, moving her hands on the ground where the tombstone had been only moments ago.
“You lose something?” asked a boy standing beneath a nearby tree. He leaned against an iron fence that stretched around the periphery of the cemetery. A slingshot dangled from the pocket of his suspenders.