
Hiro's Journey II: Initiation

After facing the road of trials that typically come with one’s descent into high school, Hiro reaches a fissure in his journey: the departure of his mentor, the self-governing and misunderstood band director. The absence of the mentor may at first cause a factious debacle between his companions, but that should subside quickly as they return to the task at hand. Along the course of the four-year journey, Hiro is able to grow into a man: leaving behind his innocence and naiveté while accepting the negativity that comes within him and the choices that he makes. He does not need the mentor relationship anymore, as valuable as it was, for the mentor is now within him through his teachings. After four years of struggling, Hiro finally reaches the ultimate boon, which is the achievement of his graduation. All the steps before this one were to prepare Hiro for this final task of achieving this goal. He has now become comfortable and competent in this new world and, thus, is ready to leave.

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