No apologies needed it’s very funny! At least in my mind you were making a subtle reference to the fact that Andy G does seem to have set up the LOEMATTLOA to complain about things…!
Hi, no need to apologise, I am honoured. This is the first sequel I have inspired (not counting the 15 word challenge) Thank you very much. Don’t want to give off the wrong impression, The LOEMATTLOA is just a bit of a joke, I wouldn’t complain about things , well not on ficly anyway, I moan all he time in my day to day life. Thanks again Nathanial, please consider yourself a member of The L.O.E.M.A.T.T.L.O.A. and feel free to change your Name accordingly (if you want). Until next time
The whole thing was great, really, but the ending was my favorite: “Why are you talking about him? I asked you to tell me the story about the League of Even More Awesome than the League of Awesomeness!” “I’m trying to!” “Not very well, grandpa.” “GO TO YOURROOM!”