
Inspiration Doesn't Come Easily

Dan tossed another crumpled sheet of note paper into the wastebasket.

“This is getting us nowhere,” he said, exasperation in his voice. “None of these ideas are any good.”

Ginger sat on a small pad of Post-It notes, her chin resting in the palm of her hand, a dour look on her face.

“This isn’t how this is supposed to work,” she said.

“Well then, how is it supposed to work?” Dan asked. “Because I don’t feel very inspired.”

“I don’t know!” Ginger admitted. “This is all kinda new to me.”

“Get me some more coffee,” Dan said. He pulled off his suit jacket and tossed it over the back of his chair. He ran a sweaty palm through his hair as Ginger waved her hand and filled Dan’s cup with some of the finest Columbian roast her magic could acquire.

“I used to be a life fairy,” she said quietly. “I used to protect people.”

“You’re still doing that,” Dan shot back. “You’re protecting my job and our company’s profits.”

He leaned in close. His breath was an unhealthy mix of tar and caffeine.

“Get me an idea. Now.”

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