haha, aww, you can write something more than just this! you can get all mushy or be sarcastic, but have some high hopes for yourself, that you’ll live a life worth 232 pages!
maybe worth 232 pages, but when it comes to writing about myself. It’s the one subject I detest. I think if I ever want a biography of ‘me’ I’ll get someone else to do it.
Gradual Uprising: I can totally relate to the “I don’t want to write about how wonderful I supposedly am” feeling, because I’m just getting to the point in life where one is expected to do exactly that.
Stargazer: I’ve seen books with a dedicatory and thank-you stuff at the back. Moreover, there’s no particular rule afaik, it’s just the usual thing to put it at the front.
My feeling is this. We are challenged to write a page from our autobiography. For me, this would indicate my life will be brought in to the limelight by some event or profession. People will be interested in my story and thus one is written in my later years. I assume famous people always get the same questions over and over, and to easily quell the fans, a book of answers is published. I myself am humble but I do think if people wanted to know, I would answer.
Haha…i don’t know whether I’m saying that I don’t want an autobiography, or if I would just want a bit more privacy in my life. I don’t want to be famous, therefore this is the first and last page of my memoir…and obviously page 232 as well.
Gradual Uprising {LoA}
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Gradual Uprising {LoA}
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Ruby Slippers
Jonathan D. Page
Gradual Uprising {LoA}