Open Sesame
I typed JohhnyWalkerBlue80 into the user id. That was easy. But Fib # took me a moment longer. I remember there being a clever little plot device in the DaVinci code that used the Fibonacci sequence as the code to access a bank vault. I held the paperback in my hand with the spine at the bottom and allowed the pages to open freely. I knew that any book that has been used will tend to develop weak places if it has been opened frequently to a particular page. This paperback proved no exception and I was rewarded with the passage in question highlighted at the appropriate spot. I typed in the sequence into the password box. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89. I clicked on OK and waited.
User Name or Password is incorrect. Please try again.
Ok, I guessed wrong. But maybe it’s a variation. I grabbed the post-it pad and was about to start trying different permutations, when I saw something. Who ever had used the pad before had a very heavy hand. You could read the impressions. I took the pencil and rubbed.