Andy wasn’t sure about this. It just didn’t seem right somehow.
Normally, in his job, he did some quite unethical things, but it was a requirement.
Disastrous consequences would ensue if his company got found out for this.
You can’t manipulate people like this, he kept telling himself. Subliminal advertising is wrong.
Good sales figures can’t justify the manipulation of peoples minds. Can it?
Insurance companies would be after him like a dog if they found out.
Surely the blame wouldn’t entirely rest on his shoulders. Would it?
Andy was tempted to pull the plug on the whole thing but he couldn’t risk losing his job.
Could he?
Experts analyzed the advert and found nothing, he got away with it, he manipulated everyone.
Dear Lovely Wonderful Ficly Reader,
Thanks for reading my story, you probably thought it was a bit rubbish, which in many ways it is. But remember, altho the story is rubbish, how do you feel about Andy G?
Now go back & read the first letter of each line.
(not including this letter to you)