Yeah, but hopefully obsessed with good bands?? No offense Mr.G but Taylor Swift is rubbish… then again, some people think the Arctic Monkeys are rubbish. They’re just weird.
Nonetheless, incest challenge may be weird but it was fun to write! I seem to be thinking more and more about incest in my actual writing these days. Maybe I’ll do another ficly about it.
I take offense to that, Taylor Swift is truly amazing. Especially for lonely single men like me.
And thank you, I’m glad it tapped into your evil side, for that was part of my intention.
Honestly, though, I didn’t really understand why it was so difficult and so weird to write. I mean, all you had to do was write a sex scene and just add in somewhere that they were related.
Meh, then you are strange. I genuinely don’t like her as a person either. I’ve seen her interviews and she looks fake. Plus she stole Taylor Lautner for a while. However I do like Teardrops on my Guitar but that’s it. Then I’m an alternative/indie/rock girl all the way
Hehe, now Mr.G should write a gay-love ficly….. PS> I have never seen any of those films. I like dark thrillers. Give me a Mark Wahlberg dark thriller and I’ll watch. I think I’m in love with Charlie as well so hands off G!
Must read more gay ficlies. As long as they’re not REALLYLONGSEQUELS. Normally people write a ficly and I go ‘that looks interesting’ and then it’s 50 ficlies long! I’ll check that out
Yay! I don’t mind a series if I’ve been following it or it’s 4 or 5 pieces long, but there was that really long one that stemmed from the Ultimate Ficly Challenge and I tried but I could not follow….
Indeedy, doing this on a story feels weird. Tomorrow is okay for me too. Hopefully whill have no work. Really should be doing work. It’s 1am and I’ve had 3 weeks….
Okay…well i quit halfway through reading the comments for this, so don’t know any final feelings on the debate but I don’t like swift. I am definitely the alternative india rock metal that you talk about above. as for walhberg, the only thing i liked of his was Mark Wahlberg talks to animals by Saturday Night Live.
and i want statuses on ficly. last weekend i made a challenge to tell people that I was going away. wouldve been sooo much easier to write it in a status—yes i decided to read the rest of the comments
So I’m pretty sure I spent more time reading the comments than the actual story. I love the Arctic Monkeys (I’m pretty sure someone commented about them before). I’m definitely skydiving before I die as well. Thanks for entering!
::gasp:: Mark Wahlberg! mmmhm. Every story could use some Mark Wahlberg lol :)
This is a fun ficly, too because it seems so real, like an actual conversations two best friends would have. It reminds me of how my best friend and I want to go on a roadtrip one day.
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
Gradual Uprising {LoA}
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Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
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Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
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Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
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Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
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Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
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Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
Wednesday [PJ] ((LoA))
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