
When Horris Met Mr. Jacobs (2)

When Horris reached his A block, he was sweating nervously and couldn’t talk. He sat faced forward and speechless. “Horris what the he-”, Bea started to ask. “Nope. Not talking about it. Tell you later”, Horris said. Bea looked confused and just walked away. He spent the whole 2 blocks thinking about what happened.

“Okay, so have you guys seen that ‘Mr. Jacobs’ character?” He asked his lunch table. “Yeah I have him this semester”, said Monicca. “Omgg he is sooo cute!” I had this incident today. I was passing his door and I just stared at him. It was awkward. But I don’t even care right now. He’s probably going to become my new obsession", said Horris. He wasn’t kiddind either. Horris was weird like that. He was a wiccan and believed in waaay different stuff than the other kids at his school. His table laughed, but Horris just kept picturing Mr.Jacobs’ face. He was seriously in love with that man..

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