
#36 The Eastern Gnome Institute

This was my chance. Gnomeregan U was behind me. Now was my chance to really become someone: a gnome really worth noticing. Now, I could leave the abuse from the dwarves behind me and make my name. There were no dwarves here.

That morning I had looked my best: placed my most ornate bow upon my back, worn my most beautiful boots. Even my hair was plaited to perfection.

The Institute was full of gnomes, and some other foreign races I had heard of. I saw beautiful violet elves, tall and proud, their delicate ears bouncing with their steps.
I saw humans, walking steadily, swords upon their backs.
And then there was this new race I hadn’t seen before. They were bluish and walked in packs, their hooves clip-clopping on the floor.

I shouldn’t have been staring so rudely, so I hobbled up to the front desk and up the small gnome-steps.
“Office 4.”
“Ah, so you’re the new Envoy to the Horde,” the secretary looked sad, before grinning. “Good luck!”

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