Wow, that mother is snappy. I like the line “You shouldn’t have to look to different to be different.” Very true! It’s a good premise, a nice take on the challenge but the conversation between mother and son doesn’t quite seem altogether plausible. Also on the second to last line I think you need ‘chair’ at the end.
I agree with Lighty in that the mother sounds more like a vindictive sister than a parent, though I thought Andy was characterised well…
Nice sentiment, what’s interesting is that although the mother character is the antagonist, she’s speaking sense, and that’s why I don’t think it reads as well as it could -perhaps she would be better imparting her wisdom gently and helpfully…
@MH softly? Not if she’s a nagging mom, tired of her son’s constant desire to do the exact opposite of whatever she says. I think that’s a classic stereotypical mother/teenage son relationship. :) Notice the word stereotypical.. it doesn’t have to be plausible. Look at the moms who put their toddlers in beauty contests. That’s only one group of moms, but their conversations wouldn’t be plausible in print either.