Yes, I know it’s all angsty and emo, but a friend challanged me to let it all out in the form of lyrics. Thought I’d see what other people think of it . . .
It helps, to get all the angst out of the system by writing that stuff down. I do it all the time. I think of my art therapy as seperate to my art. Both have their merits, but are very different.
I think art therapy is always going to be special to us, because we remember the intesity we felt when we wrote it, but others might only see an angsty song. That’s how it works for me, anyway.
When I’m creating something while I’m still in a dark place (and I often do), my mentality is very circular and agitated. I end up repeating myself a lot and dwelling on the same thing, expressing it multiple ways. It’s only when I have some distance on the situation that I can use the experience, but still maintain perspective.
But my art therapy is always precious to me, and although it is raw and unrefined, it is honest. Same with your song here. It’s honest, and it’s real.