Aah! Where’s the full-stops at the ends of sentences? Besides that nagging feeling telling me to pencil in full-stops onto my computer screen, I really love the story, but I think that the revelation should have been left to the very last sentence: it would give it a bit more impact.
Alright. This was so difficult to read because you didn’t end most of your sentences with a period.
The second “I whisper” is redundant. You capitalize unnecessary words. And the sentence, “asked the bartender to the me, the man who was staring at the table.” doesn’t make a lot of sense. It would read a lot better with something like:
“the bartender asked me, the man who was staring at the table.”
Anyway, it has good potential, but it would be a better read with actual paragraphs.
The scene is good, but i am sad you didn’t throw in some epic journey or battle. I mean, chickening out of marriage is anticlimactic. You set it up, "it was like it was yesterday’ then just slapped the guy around. Where’s the memory? I’d take out the yesterday line if I were only going to tell the bar story.