Hmm. I’m not sure what to think of this. I like the premise but I think you could use stronger language. For example, the first sentence: _The stench of sweat was draped heavily across the atmosphere of the battle, due only to the stifling heat. _ I think it would be a stronger statement if you wrote something like: The scent of sweat draped heavily across the battlefield You are writing about war. Stong bold language will make your writing more powerful and more in keeping with your topic.
Hmm. I’m not sure what to think of this. I like the premise but I think you could use stronger language. For example, the first sentence:
_The stench of sweat was draped heavily across the atmosphere of the battle, due only to the stifling heat. _
I think it would be a stronger statement if you wrote something like:
The scent of sweat draped heavily across the battlefield
You are writing about war. Stong bold language will make your writing more powerful and more in keeping with your topic.
I agree with PA. Oddly worded is this.
Thank you for your honesty. I have changed the wording, so hopefully it reads better.