This verse is called 2 because yes, actually there is one verse (not given here) which prequels it and also in fact one verse which sequels it. But by all means see how YOU can introduce and finalise it.
I am very ambivalent about this poem myself. Sometimes I hate it and find it positively embarrassing, so I excluded it from my published poems. See the prequel for the whole poem.
hmm… I think I would have to disagree with previous comments. I like it and would like to see more stuff like this, I don’t, however, think that this bit is lacking. It stands on its own just fine even if it is meant to be followed and preceded.
oh i though you were going to continue it here, ha! so much for reading it in order! I am not a good judge of poetry, as I like a certain kind, just like i like a certain kind of art. Doesn’t mean it is not good nor bad. This has some great imagery, but yes, leaves much to be explained. :)