
Clara, a tribute to the Brothers Grimm (part 4)

The woodcutter became afraid and leaped at the bird to catch it, but it flew away.

The next morning, the woodcutter awoke at dawn. Again, a bird sat on his window sill and it sang this song:

You may cut off my head,
you may strike me dead,
but I will return on the wing,
for you to hear me sing.

The woodcutter became afraid and leaped at the bird to catch it, but it flew away.

That night the woodcutter was unable to sleep for fear of the bird that would come at dawn. All night he lay awake, but all night he heard the bird’s song over and over in his head. Consumed by madness, an hour before dawn he arose and hanged himself from the great tree in the yard. When the neighbours found him dead some days later, a bird sat in the great tree and sang:

You cut off my head,
you struck me dead.
Now you will hear my song,
your eternal suffering long.


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