
#43 Love Song

Write me a love song

Make me forget about the world
And everything in it
That makes the tears fall
So hard.

Make it all go away, make it
Stop, because all I want
Is to forget it

Make the hurt stop ebbing under
My skin and in my heart,
Make the sun start shining

Write me a love song

Write something about flowers and
Stars and unicorns and
Maybe the stars will stop

Write to me about vast gardens
And the roses that grow
In them, and maybe
It stops.

Write something about love, even
If you don’t love me yet,
’Cause I love you for

Write me a love song

Because all I want is your arms around me
To feel the warm touch of your skin
To hear your words from your lips
To taste you

Write me a love song, because it’s the closest I’ll get to seeing you again.

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