ahaha, this will recieve no sequel. well, it will, but basically it’s part of a series i’m doing called the string theory, where there are the same characters but in different dimensions and stories. as for what the package is and who they’re running from, that’s up to you to interpret. :]
great action here, and there is some relationship between the two, and a common goal, which makes for great series material. I see what you are doing here with the string theory approach, and it becomes a sort of character study. Their personalities should remain the same, but the setting and action differ. Welcome to Ficly!
I am waiting for a sequel. Tic toc tic toc…no pressure! One criticism of minor type – alright, in proper english, should be all right. But it depends on how you are for character limit…
This really did have my heart racing…brilliant. Waiting for the next part in great anticipation, Abby x