
Gehen Sie!

She walked through the courtyard with determination and purpose in her step. Her green eyes had searched for the sword, and under the moon’s misty glow, she could finally see it.

It was flanked by 2 older women, nuns from the reclusive order who inhabited the Great Arber of the Bayerischer Wald. As she neared, the taller nun raised a hand.

Olivia feared that she was unworthy to go further. Her family were just farmers from Osnabrueck. Few had ventured beyond the familiarity of Lower Saxony. Olivia had made a great journey.

The nun spoke. “I cannot let you take this.”

“Of course,” Olivia replied, “I’m only a daughter of farmers.”

“No, child.” She smiled. “It cannot be taken, only given.” She reached for the sword and passed it to Olivia who took the handle, and felt the warmth pour into her heart.

“It somehow finishes me.” She uttered aloud.

“No.” Corrected the other nun. “Your education has just begun.”

“But I don’t wish to train for war.”

They smiled. “The blade carves a path, not flesh. Go.”

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