There is an awkward flow to this that seems to stem from your overuse of beginning sentences with a pronoun; specifically “he.” Six of the first eight sentences begin with “He,” which is noticeably jarring.
The last half of the first part flows much better, and if you could vary your sentence structure like that at the beginning, your story would be better for it.
I also feel that you rushed the final reveal. I know that it’s tough to fit all you want to say and convey in 1,024 characters, so being rushed is kind of par for the course. However, it looks like you had 15 more characters to use. Those plus what you could possibly save by rewording the beginning could allow you to transition into the twist more effectively. As it is now, it feels tacked on.
I sincerely hope you don’t take my comments the wrong way. I am truly offering my suggestions in the spirit of helpfulness. And I did enjoy the story itself.