
Chapter 1: The Attack; part 2

While we walked, I kept on glancing at the woods on our right. “How come you keep on looking at the woods?” Jasmine asked. “Theres just something weird about them” I say, shrugging. And then, Kristen started walking toward them.“Kristen, where are you going!” I called after her. I glanced at Jasmine fretfully, and she just shrugged and started following Kristen. I hurried to catch up with her, and she said " Dont worry about it Faith, if we follow the path, it will lead is back to my house." I relaxed a little and followed my crazy friends into the woods.
“Boo!” I screamed, jumping up behind Kristen. She screamed and I started cracking up. “That wasn’t funny faith” Jasmine said, trying not to laugh. “Ya, that wasn’t funny” Kristen growled, a look of amusment and anger on her face. “Lighten up Kristen” I said, grinning at her. “Are we almost back to your house?” I asked Jasmine. “Yup” she replied. We walked on in silence.

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