
Hurry Up And Wait

“The way I see it, the politicians are going to sit on this until something happens, unless we get ‘actionable intelligence.’ Unless we know where the VX is, they are going to prevent anyone they control from doing anything that might upset the wrong people.”

“I think Michael sent the VX to at least two locations.” I said.

“Makes sense. The Day of Ashura is commemorated in Najaf and Karbala. There are shrines for Husayn bin Ali and his half brother Abbas in Karbala. And a shrine for their father Ali is in Najaf. If I were to make a guess then those would be the targets I would choose,” said Clarke.

“So why are we waiting here? Let’s go stop the attack.”

“Just because we can guess, doesn’t mean we guessed right. And if we guess wrong, then millions of people can die. Even if we guessed right, without knowing how the attack is going to take place, we couldn’t stop it. It’s called actionable intelligence because it allows you to take action.”

“So where do we get this ‘actionable intelligence’” I asked.

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