hmm, seems there’s more to cora than she’s telling. i expected some huge explosive scene after all that foreshadowing, instead of “Cora, and not interested.” She knows the future? she is the killer? she is part of a cultish group? Grammar Ninja: was she standing or leaning in the first sentence, pick a pose! :)
she stood there, she leant against.. those are different poses in one sentence, but i never saw her move. that’s what I meant. if you choose lean, then the sentence needs to drop ‘she stood there’. re-read it to yourself without it.
I like the possibilities….dark possibilities. Her comments make me wonder what her, perhaps, even supernatural role might be. It makes me want to read more…
ElshaHawk (LoA)
H.S. Wift
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Baron Vonn Wrightersbloch