Tom Recounts the Last Battle to his Babe
“Oh my God, did you do it??” Bella shrieked, excitedly.
“Hell, yeah,” Tom said smoothly. He definately wanted to get into her pants.
“You have to tell me exactly what happened. I need to know every single detail!” Bella snuggled up to Tom, readying herself for the story.
“Well, I went up to him and was all like,” Tom tensed his muscles and spread his legs. " ‘Hey, Harry. Why you all up in ma girl’s face an’ all. You want trouble, dude?’ "
“That is so hot. Then what?”
“Well then he was like, ‘Oh, please, don’t hurt me, Tom. You so great and all this. Please don’t kill me.’ Then he all, like, begged and this shit. It was shit ass funny.”
“Oh, my God. Bet he was well disappointed.”
“Yeah, I was all like ‘Avada Kedavra!’ and he was, like, dead.”
“Wow, that is so fucking hard, Tom.”
“Yeah, I know, Bella. I is well hard and all that shit.”
“Last night was awesome, Tom.”
“I’ve decided, it’s Voldemort now.”
“You can be Bellatrix.”
“Sick. Who should we kill next?”