

“They teach their children to hate us with their mothers’ milk. They call Christian and Jews, pigs and dogs.”

“With all their hatred for us. Why should you or I care if they want to slaughter each other wholesale? Let them. Give them enough rope to hang themselves or enough guns or aircraft to kill each other, or enough gas to wipe out whole countries.”

“Can you tell me you honestly care? Look at them. They’re not people, they’re ants. Swarming around each other, fighting each other. And fighting against us. If they managed to kill every American or Jew on earth, they would celebrate for half an hour and then get right back to killing each other.”

“You can’t just stand aside and watch people get slaughtered”, I said.

“Maybe you can’t. But I can.”

“Tell me how they plan on using the VX.”

“They haven’t let me in on all their plans. But when they wanted two US military ambulances and some smoke generators, it really wasn’t that difficult. All it takes is a few simple modifications,” he smiled.

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