An egg for your tea? I’m not so sure I understand that, but I like the fact that some of your stories are in Spanish. I like it even more that I actually can sort of read them!
In 1947 or 1948, there was a very, very popular song that went like this: and now, does nobody know it? “Tea” is used by English people to denote a meal of sorts…. the original song included the words “…an egg for my tea?” so your translation is spot-on, Emmyful.
yea, but if the english used that, that doesn’t mean the spanish did. To us. Tea is Tea, and I’m not sure we want our eggs going there.
Note: gallina pequeña…no in spanish we use -ito or -ita to stress a smaller form of ‘most’ nouns
gatito, cochito, casita, puntito, this goes for names as well, Pablito, Juanito, Juanita. (like Tiny Tim) I would be Drewito. Some nouns can’t be transformed this way because there are other words that are written the same way, or because they are unchangeable. Libertad (liberty) is a noun, but it is incapable of being Libertadita. NOPE. these are general nouns that also are generally not pluralized.