Ok, when the judging happens for the short bit, it was originally; My world; 1/3 dirt and 2/3 water. It was TOO short
Blood is better than water. Adds to the icky factor.
Isn’t this on the UFC training diet?
This sounds more like the start to a fantasy adventure wartime novel. In the next scene, it follows HEROMAN as he rides a horse across a blood soaked field, which is then raked by the boiling bile of ten thousand dragons.
I was thinking more sci-fi…
Can be looked at from a horror or an action standpoint – either way it’s intriguing, if not totally spine-chilling… MH :)
Is it just me or is the semicolon unnecessary? It’s more appropriate with a comma.
Is it just me or is the semicolon unnecessary?
It’s more appropriate with a comma.
Very revealing for the author. mmm. ha,ha.