
Making Love

“Woah, chill!” Heather cried, laughing. Even her laugh started to niggle at me. It was like she had gone from my best friend to my worst enemy all over again.
I didn’t join in, but she was creased up laughing at her own joke. All I could think was, I should tell her. I really should tell her but I couldn’t. Somehow, something was stopping me.

“Anyway,” she continued. “I’m sure he’ll be the best teacher I could get.”

“I know.”
Immediately my brain went haywire.

“What do you mean, you know?”
Panicking. Just trying to think of a reason.

“I just meant… that… You’re right. He probably will be the perfect gentleman in bed. You ready for sex, then?” I tried to joke.

She smiled and then turned her eyes up to the left, procrastinating. “I don’t like that word, ‘sex’.”

Bemused, I said: “Well, that’s what it is. Sexual intercourse. That’s the biology lesson.”

“I prefer ‘making love.’”

Once I beleived in making love too. Now I’m just making, whilst Jacob loves… without me.

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