Local News
I turned the TV in the hospital onto the local new. Reports about how the Day of Ashura was more peaceful than expected. More than two million people had visited the shrines and the Shi’a got to call for “Death to America and Death to Israel” without interruption.
Two coalition helicopters had collided and crashed in Karbala while monitoring the pilgrims and a number of coalition soldiers had died.
Imam Nabeel Sharafat arrived in Damascus Syria and was warmly greeted by President Assad. Their discussions about Iraqi/Syrian relations were characterized as “frank and honest.”
I was thirsty so I took the bottle of water from my jacket. I started to pour myself a drink. Along with the water small crystals poured out. I fished a couple out of the cup and saw gem cut diamonds. While submerged in the water, they had been invisible.
Do you think 20 million dollars in diamonds could fit into a 750 ml bottle?
They do.