Going for a Ride!
Dear Diary,
My mom and I went on a car trip a few days ago. I was really excited to be riding in the car and hung my head out the window for a long time and the wind blew my ears around.
Then I brought my head inside and drank some water from my bowl and lay down for a while.
Then I got bored and tried to sit in the front seat with my mom, but she said “own seat!” and wouldn’t let me.
Then I sniffed on the floor for old french fries.
Then I sighed loudly and yawned, hoping she would get the hint that I was bored. She didn’t. I flapped my ears and yawned again. Still nothing. Then I stuck my nose in her ear and sneezed. For some reason this made her kind of testy and she told me to “lie down” because it had only been ten minutes and we weren’t there yet. Ten minutes! Humans obviously can’t tell time because any dog would know that we had been in the car for at least twelve years.
I sneezed in her hair again so she would know I wasn’t fooled by her lies and then decided to take a nap.
~ Phoebe