Tempting Fate
Fate wants to knock you down,
and if you smile while you’re getting up
it will kick you in the teeth.
Burned, Beaten, Bruised, Sliced, and Broken.
Betrayed, Abandoned, Heartbroken, and Crying.
Lost, Hungry, Cold, Desperate, and Gasping for Air.
Diseased, Crippled, Addicted, and Exhausted.
Defeated, Disillusioned, Angry, and Discouraged.
Destitute, Homeless, Tired, Grieving, and Lonely.
Smile, though, at Fate.
There’s only so many cards
in the deck it deals from so cruelly,
and they’re not all bad,
and the game doesn’t last forever.
Enjoy the good times,
endure the bad times,
and smile a big toothy grin for the bastards,
just to let them know
they can’t keep you down.