
It happened on Thursday afternoon(2)

Sam yawned and turned to look at his friend:
-What the hell are you waiting for?
-Hey man, what about you telling me first? It is harder than what I imagined…and you know…
-Jesus man! I heard from folks in block B what a damned hard time you gave them before saying one word! What’s wrong with you? It is your pal Sam you are talking to!
Thomas blushed crimson, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell the story. He had never been the forthcoming type, not even in his school days when all the boys…
-Ok man! I will tell you first, after all no problem with me really, but you know sooner or later you will have to spill the beans. What is it now? Are you again lost in those dark passages of your dirty past?
-No need to be so sarcastic! I am all ears, go ahead.

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