The word “hondura” is not common, (I’d rather use the cacophonic “profundidad”) Although the Spanish is good enough there is still something funny sounding, it makes me wonder how to achieve fluency in a second language. English and Spanish are completely different, Spanish is more nuanced and textured, each Spanish dialect comes with different grammar. Also, rhetoric figures are more widely used in Spanish, so much that speech without it sounds robotic. Mastering a single language is a life-long endeavor, if you want to pursue it I wish you a great journey. Read the masters of every major dialect; Borges and Bioy Cazares for Argentinian, Fuentes and Paz for Mexican, Asturias for Guatemalan…
Muchas gracias, CAV. Yes, I think “profundidad” would fit in here, despite the extra syllable. Actually I rather like the sound of it. I’d like to understand “rhetoric figures” better, if you could maybe elaborate a bit on that, possibly give an example or two, then I’d understand better.