Translation: (Part One)
Lumennya and the captain of the Army of Might*, Legolas, stood at the head of their troops, staring at their enemies. The elves and the dwarves finally had a common enemy.
The circle leader of the Army of Art* ran to her leader. “Hail.”
Lumennya looked to the sky. “A star shall shine on the hour of our meeting.**”
“The armies are ready, my lady.”
“Good, then the battle is begun. This is our last meal, captain.”
“My bow shall sing with thy sword, my lady.” The circle leader ran back to her troops.
“After centuries upon centuries, and they betray us” the captain said. “Sons of snakes. They will become the feast of wolves***!” Legolas spat. “I don’t understand these humans.”
1.real part of Tolkein’s world!!
2.real greeting
3.refers to dead enemy