
The One Who Saved Me

Why do I hate every living thing on this planet? Why do I fell like a black hole? I don’t know these things.I get up every morning and feel like a waste. I feel angry, sad, and lonely all the time. I can feel tired and cold all the time. Sometimes I can practically feel these negative emotions pore out of my skin like heat.
I hate being this way! I hate being depressed and angry all the time. There are days were I wish I could just peacefully sleep for eternity. I can never find my way out of this maze of nightmares and sadness. Day in and day out I always feel useless and lifeless, like a shadow of emptiness.
Until about a year ago, when I met this amazing person. I could see the light in him. The more I hung out with hime the warmer I felt. I could see again. I was laughing and smiling again. I was a better person.
I was free; I no longer saw shadows and darkness. I was happy again. And I never want to go back there again. The one, who saved me from a life of darkness, became my dearest friend.

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